COVID-19 has been declared a once-in-a-hundred-year catastrophe. Its impact is predicted to be bigger than the 2015 Nepal Earthquake, 2008 global financial crisis, 2001 SARS epidemic, 9/11, Gulf War, Kuwait War or any other war in the Middle East. To emerge out of this catastrophe, we will have to reinvent ourselves and rethink our way of doing business. The New Normal in choosing a destination will not be only the unique attractions but also the health, hygiene and sanitation protocols a destination has put in place.
COVID-19 has hugely impacted the Tourism and Hospitality sector worldwide. In Nepal, it has been estimated that the sector will take considerable time to bounce back to the condition that it was before the outbreak with innumerable businesses and jobs at stake.
Considering the looming crash in economy and job losses, once the Lockdown reopens, the Hospitality sector will have to look into reopening with safety and hygiene protocols in place. Keeping in mind that the health and safety of people: employees and guests is our first and foremost priority, safety guidelines and protocols need to be implicitly followed once the Lockdown is removed. The guidelines and H.H.S Protocol for the following sectors are presented on the sections as follows:
1. Re-start Protocols
2. Hotels
3. Restaurants
4. Tourism Office Management
5. Transportation Providers
6. Tour and Adventure Activities