Various part of Humla and Mugu has seen a heavy snowfall since Sunday evening which has hugely affected everyday life in the districts. The high pressure created by westerly wind is causing heavy snowfall in these regions.
Around half a foot of snow has blanketed Simkot, the district headquarters, of Humla. Everyday life in the district has been hugely affected due to severe cold triggered by the snowfall.
The schools that had reopened last month after remaining closed for about nine months because of the Covid-19 pandemic were also affected by the snowfall.
Rara, a major tourist attraction in Mugu district, is also experiencing snowfall. On Monday, the area witnessed five-inch deep snow.
The weather forecasting department has also said that sporadic rainfall has occurred across the country and Kathmandu valley since Monday morning. The snowfall has further decreased the temperature and caused coldness across the country.
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